Sport Badminton
Addlestone Community Association
Members need to be up to or near local league standard. Club nights are Tuesday and Thursday from 8 pm to 11 pm, in the Tulk hall which has two courts. Six teams, Mens and Ladies, play in the Woking, Staines and Chertsey Leagues. Annual fees are ?70, paid in two instalments. Visitors fees are ?2 per evening.
Leisure Bridge
Addlestone Community Association
The section meets to play Duplicate Bridge to the rules of the English Bridge Union on Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7.30 pm. Ten tables are usually in play at each meeting. Newcomers are welcome if they have duplicate play experience. One team plays in the Thames Valley League and the club takes part in a Surrey Charity competition. Table money is ?1 per night.
Leisure Chess
Addlestone Community Association
The section meets on Tuesday at 7.30 pm. and new members are welcome. The Club plays in the Thames Valley and Border Leagues and two knockout competitions.
Club Annual Subscription ?50; or ?25 plus ?2 per evening.
Leisure Gardening
Addlestone Community Association
The Gardening section of the Community Association meets on the third Tuesday of the month in the Muriel Wise Suite at 8.00.p.m. The programme consists of a wide range of topics, usually illustrated by slides, given by well-known speakers, often from The Royal Horticultural Society at Wisley. The topics ranging from how to grow vegetables to National Trust Gardens. Plant collecting in China to beneficial bugs in the garden. There is something for everyone. A Garden Party is held in the summer and a social evening in December. A member?s only Horticultural Show is held annually. Three seasonal competitions are held on club nights with a Plant Sale for the public in May. New members and visitors are always welcome. The annual subscription is determined at the AGM in April.
Sport Keep fit
Addlestone Community Association
The section belongs to the Keep Fit Association using KFA trained teachers. The accent is on fitness through movement, exercise and dance. Membership is open to all over sixteen years of age and meetings are held in the Tulk Hall on Wednesday at 7.15 pm. A major annual event is the Keep Fit Rally held in the Tulk Hall in the Spring with the renowned ?Addlestone Tea?.
Leisure Dancing, Square dancing
Addlestone Community Association
The section meets on Monday, including Bank Holidays, at 8 pm. in the Tulk Hall for its practice evening. All dances, Modern and Latin, in the Modern Sequence Dancing repertoire are taught by IDTA and ISTD qualified leaders in these two and a half hour sessions. A ?Ball Night? is held on the second Saturday in each month (except August). Beginners are welcome to the section meetings. Fees for Monday evenings are ?1.50, and entrance to the ?Ball Nights? is ?3.75 for members.
Leisure Philatelic, Stamp collecting
Addlestone Community Association
The section meets fortnightly on Friday at 8 pm when visiting speakers display stamps and talk on aspects of stamp collecting, postal history and other topics of philatelic interest. There are also visits to and from other local Philatelic Societies. Some evenings are set aside for members to display and talk on their collections and regular auctions are held.
Members can, if they wish, take part in two competitions held annually.
New members, including juniors (10?17) are welcome. The section?s annual subscription is ?8.50 (?4 junior).
Sport Badminton
Addlestone Community Association
The Tangent Badminton section meet every Thursday morning throughout the year, from 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 noon in the Tulk Hall which has two courts. Play is with feather shuttles. Prospective members must have a reasonable standard of play; beginners are not taken. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Visitor?s fees are ?2.00. Social events include occasional lunches, outings, annual Tournament, and a Garden party in the summer. The Annual subscription is determined at the AGM in April.
Entertainment Cinema
Warner Village Staines Bookings & Info http://www.warnervillage.co.uk/wvonline44.asp?WCI=SiteInfo&WCE=44039
5 minutes from Junction 13 off the M25.
10/15 minutes walk from Staines Train Station. 990 parking spaces, Free Parking after 6pm and all day Sunday. Disabled parking - 3 hours free.
Restaurants & Other Facilities
Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Nandos, Yellow River, Spur Steak & Grill. Coffee Republic, Costa. Retail Units - Waitrose, Staples, Boots etc...Shopmobility.
08702 40 60 20
Sport Football, Sport
Egham Town Football Club Mr Peter Atkins http://www.eghamfc.co.uk
Train and play or watch the local club.
07973 658535, 07973 658535
Sport Motorcycle
Surrey Motorcycle trials Club Frances Lock http://www.surreysb.co.uk
Motorcycle trials for boys and girls aged 6 to 17. Trials riding is an off road sport for ages 6 to 70+ - it is not racing - there is no speed element. Riders develop skills like balance and machine controll riding. Most events are at the weekend.
Full details of events on the website.
Sport Cricket, Football
Abbey Field, with a children's play area, cricket and football.
Sport Swimming, Gym, Sport
River Bourne Health Club Ltd http://riverbournehealth.co.uk
Mon - Fri : 7am-10:30pm, Sat & Sun: 9am-5pm. The only 25m indoor public access pool in the Runnymede. Non club members can access the pool at the times stated above and pay per visit. Full details on website.
01932 560560
Sport Football
Virginia Water Football Club Steve Jenner Map Link
Kids school on Saturday morning 09:15 for 09:30-10:30 coaching run by Steve Jenner on 07717-763681. Parents welcome to help.
Sport Football
Virginia Water Football Club Richard Smyth Map Link
Two main football teams. For more details contact the secretary.
Sport Canoeing, Keep fit, Outdoor
Sean Walters
Dragon Boat Race training with your local team 'WAM'. Part of the Wraysbury Skiff and Punting Club WSPC,(Runnymede Pleasure ground)
An hours work out on this beautiful and historic stretch of the river Thames. Meeting every Thursday at 18.30 and Sundays at 10.30 from April till October. Join the squad and the team and race in the UK national league. This is a 2000 year old sport requiruing real teamwork.
We paddle a 40' Chinese canoe, paddlers sit side by side and paddle in unision to the beat of a large drum. 0-250 metres in 1 minute or so. Our oldest member is 63.
Age group between 11 and 60+ for paddlers
01784 437206
Entertainment Gardening
Virginia Water Community Association J.H.Harrison, Secretary
Virginia Water Horticultural Society meets every 2nd Wednesday in month (except August) at 7.45pm for horticultural talks
Entertainment Music, Jazz
Pete Deane
Jazz in the Green ? Continues to Swing with Don Weller
The recent inaugural Jazz in the Green event at the Social Hall in Englefield Green was a stunning success as the Surrey Jazz Orchestra played great big band tunes to a packed audience. To follow this, the Jazz in the Green organisers are delighted to announce that on Friday May 21st May one of the top tenor saxophonists in the UK - Don Weller - will be leading his Quintet in the next concert to be staged at the Social Hall.
Alan Crouse, organiser of Jazz in the Green said ? we are delighted to be hosting one of the top flight UK musician?s here in Englefield Green. It goes to show that we are determined that the Jazz in the Green series will yield an extremely high calibre of entertainment in the local community.? He continued ? we are also keen to enjoy different flavours of jazz so that hopefully we can appeal to differing tastes?.
Don Weller?s career started when he played Mozart's clarinet concerto in the Fairfield Hall, Croydon as a fourteen year old. He went on to take up Tenor Saxophone, with lessons from Kathy Stobart and formed his now almost legendary group "Major Surgery" which ran for 9 years playing his own compositions. He then formed a quartet with drummer Bryan Spring as well as being a regular member of Stan Tracey's Octet. Don has always played, always run his own under worked quartet, always written music of great quality and has always been undervalued. He has however also always been a great inspiration to younger players, who have sometimes gone on to gain the sort of acclaim that Don has missed.
In aid of Local Charities tickets are available ? either at Blacklocks, 8 Victoria Street, Englefield Green, via Alan on 01784 432813 or on the door on the night of Friday 21st May. The Gig - held at the Social Hall ,Harvest Road, Englefield Green starts at 8pm, and finishes at 11pm.The doors and bar will open at 7.30pm.
01784 434725, 07770 882855
Entertainment Family
Harpreet www.kiddie-heaven.co.uk
run by an organisation called Kiddie-Heaven, it is a weekend play scheme for children aged 5-11 and it runs every saturday from 2-4 pm
07957112881, 07957112881