Picture of the Day

One of the fantastic regular Irish music nights

Quote of the Day

Set high standards and few limitations for yourself.
--Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book

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The town centre brochure content coming soon

Link of the Day

Contiki youth travel
Contiki is the world's largest travel company for 18-35 year olds! In 1961, a young New Zealander, John Anderson, arrived in London to tour Europe. He didn't want to go alone and he didn't have much money, so he put a deposit on a minibus and gathered a group of travellers who spent twelve weeks exploring Europe.

At the end of the trip, John tried to sell the minibus but no one wanted it. So when in Spring of 1962, he advertised his Europe tour again. This time, he was able to fit two trips into the Summer season and doubled his business. The first tours were for 19 - 29 year olds, so right from the start Contiki was about youth travel.

Organisation Name: Type Right
Address: 9 Roundway

Postcode: TW208BS
Map Link
Contact #1:
Phone: 01784456857
Business Category: Secretarial Services
General details: Secretarial and typing services

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Egham community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Egham in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

A secondary aim is to help users of the Internet find their way around local information efficiently without having to spend lots of time wading through large search results from the search engines.

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Egham, UK