Picture of the Day

Setset at Virginia Water lake

Quote of the Day

The individual must not merely wait and criticize, he must defend the cause the best he can. The fate of the world will be such as the world deserves.
--Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Support Local Trade

The town centre brochure content coming soon

Link of the Day

Warner Brothers official site
Warner Brothers produce movies/videos/DVD/Cartoons/run shops,etc. This site provides information on everything they do. There are fun sections for children.

New Friendship Group for Older People  

We are looking for volunteer drivers and hosts to organise our monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties. 

The commitment for volunteer drivers would involve sparing just a few hours each month to drive and accompany older members to a local tea party - whilst enjoying a cuppa and a cake themselves!  Alternatively, the new group also needs volunteer ‘hosts’ willing to welcome the group into their home for afternoon tea just once or twice a year. 

Anyone who can spare a couple of hours one Sunday afternoon a month, enjoys the company of older people, has a driving licence, a car, and a capacity for drinking tea, is eligible!  And for those interested in becoming a host, it would just involve a couple of hours once or twice a year.  It’s not a big commitment, and our volunteers genuinely get as much out of the experience as our older members, so I’m calling for anyone who is interested in giving something back to their community to please get in touch with me as soon as possible.

Julia Rivas.

Contact the Elderly

Regional Development Officer for Surrey and Sussex. 

01273 401569.


About Us

Egham community website is a gateway to information on the local area in order to promote the interests of the residents of Egham in all aspects of their lives. It is also for visitors to the area, prospective visitors and prospective residents.

A secondary aim is to help users of the Internet find their way around local information efficiently without having to spend lots of time wading through large search results from the search engines.

Contact Us

Egham, UK